School to School Support

The Lion Alliance is committed to providing schools with a comprehensive, dedicated and high quality School to School Support Programme, tailored to the needs of the individuals. The schools within The Lion Alliance and strategic partners have vast experience and expertise in supporting schools across Primary and Secondary phases. The Lion Alliance consists of colleagues with a range of School to School experience, including National Leaders of Education (NLEs).


The Lion Alliance School to School Support Programmes provide schools with the confidence that they will receive bespoke, high quality support. You will have access to colleagues who will work closely with you to design a personalised programme according to the needs of your school. We offer support at all levels, including Senior Leadership, Middle Leadership, Teaching and Learning, Personal Development, Behaviour and Welfare, Attainment, Business Management, and Governance. Programmes can include coaching for individuals, professional development, whole school or specialist reviews or strategic support.

We are committed to working closely with schools both within and beyond our Teaching School Alliance to identify and develop leadership potential. We provide high quality support and training for teachers in every stage of their career from Initial Teacher Training through to developing school leaders. We use the expertise of colleagues within The Lion Alliance and strategic partners, which consists of primary and secondary schools, to deliver a range of standard CPD courses, career stage professional development, and nationally recognised qualifications, as well as bespoke training and CPD.


The Lion Alliance provide schools with the confidence that they will receive excellent support in developing leadership potential within their school. We offer a comprehensive range of CPD, career stage professional development, and qualifications for leadership development, including the move into Headship and beyond.

In addition to set CPD and qualifications, we offer a range of Leadership Development opportunities, which can be adapted to suit the needs of your school. This can include support in identifying leadership potential or CPD for aspiring middle or aspiring senior leaders. We can offer Leadership CPD, coaching, shadowing of middle or senior leaders exploring operational and strategic working, action research, workshops, and 360 evaluations.


When requesting Leadership Development support from The Lion Alliance, you can be confident that the support we provide is effective and will have long lasting impact.

You can use the booking form to request a space on any of our courses: either a link to the booking forms or a table to show the courses being offered

If you require bespoke Leadership Development support, we will meet with you to visit your school and discuss your needs. It is important to us that we build a positive and professional relationship with you and your colleagues from which we can develop appropriate support with demonstrable outcomes. The Lion Alliance has a wide range of colleagues who not only have vast experience and expertise, but are personable and will listen to work with you to support your colleagues.


When requesting School to School Support from The Lion Alliance, you can be confident that the support we provide is bespoke to your school. We will meet with you to visit your school and discuss your needs. It is important to us that we build a positive and professional relationship with you and your colleagues from which we can develop appropriate support with demonstrable outcomes. The Lion Alliance has a wide range of colleagues who not only have vast experience and expertise, but are personable and will listen to work with you.

We believe our School to School Support Programmes offer value for money and will equip you with effective and long lasting support. You will be involved in the design of your School to School Support Programme where we will agree together the focus of the support, the expected outcomes, length of the support and costs. Programmes are reviewed regularly with you and measured against demonstrable outcomes. We will ask you to reflect on the impact of the School to School Support Programme and how this has informed your practice.


The school to school support that the Lion Alliance offers is bespoke to each school and designed to maximise the impact in the areas you want to see improvement in. We will work with you to agree the foci and what the expected outcomes are.


- Teaching and Associate colleagues.
- Middle and Senior Leaders; including improving capacity.
- Initial Teacher Training (ITT) and Early Career Teachers (ECT).

- A positive ethos and shared values.
- Positive attitudes to mental and physical health.
- Positive attitudes to the working environment; including a healthy work-life balance.
- Developing partnerships with colleagues and regular co-construction.
- Taking part in regular CPD to raise the standard of knowledge.

- Teaching and Learning; including pedagogy and action research.
- Behaviour for Learning; including restorative justice.
- Particular subject or specialist areas.
- SEND knowledge and provision.
- The schools 'Ofsted' rating.
- Exam results.
- Closing the gaps for significant groups; for example, disadvantaged pupils, pupil premium, boys or girls etc.
- Whole school consistency.
- School values or Improvement priorities through self evaluation and clear, measured foci.
- Available CPD programmes and opportunities; including leadership CPD.

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