The Lion Alliance is delighted to be working with the Chartered College of Teaching as a CPD Partner. As a trusted partner of the Chartered College, we are able to offer a supportive environment and network of peer-to-peer support during your CTeach journey. 

The Chartered College of Teaching is the professional body for teachers. They are working to celebrate, support and connect teachers to take pride in their profession and provide the best possible education for children and young people. They are dedicated to bridging the gap between practice and research and equipping teachers from the second they enter the classroom with the knowledge and confidence to make the best decisions for their pupils.

Through Chartered College of Teaching membership, teachers have access to a wealth of research, resources and insight to enable excellent teaching. By bringing the profession together and giving teachers a platform for their voices to be heard and their expertise to be respected, we can raise the status of teaching together.

Chartered College of Teaching Membership Details:

  • Trainee Teachers – FREE
  • Early Career Teachers – £23.50 annually / £1.96 per month
  • Qualified Teachers – £47.50 annually / £3.96 per month

For more information about joining, please visit:



Chartered Status is a professional accreditation that recognises the knowledge, skills and behaviours of highly accomplished teachers and school leaders.

To be awarded Chartered Status you will need to complete a series of assessment units, showcasing your professional expertise across a range of areas. Each unit is carefully designed to promote purposeful research engagement, build on individual practice, priorities and interests, and drive meaningful improvement in your school context. You can work towards Chartered Status at a pace that best suits you; our self-paced pathway is designed to ensure you have autonomy over your own professional learning and career progression.

Once you have completed all assessment units, you will complete a formal application for Chartered Status. Upon successful application you will be awarded Chartered Teacher Status. You will be conferred with the postnominals ‘CTeach’ or ‘CTeach (Leadership)’ and will have the opportunity to celebrate achieving Chartered Status at a formal graduation ceremony.

Teachers and school leaders who have achieved Chartered Status say they are more confident, use research and evidence to inform their approaches, and are more effective in their role. Gaining Chartered Status benefits the individual, their school and the children and young people they teach.

The Chartered Teacher programme aims to support teachers’ personal, professional and career development; acknowledging and celebrating the fantastic work that happens in classrooms across the country every day. Those achieving Chartered Teacher Status are recognised for evidence-informed, high-quality teaching practice, benefiting the young people they teach. 

Participation in the programme will also support your understanding and knowledge of effective evaluation, professional development, education policy, and research-engagement.

Each Chartered Teacher assessment unit has been purposefully developed to enable you to showcase your expertise in a meaningful way, aligned with your own needs, role, career stage and school context. Undertaking the assessment units will help you to:

• deepen and demonstrate your knowledge and understanding of evidence-informed policy and practice, assessment, curriculum and pedagogy

• develop and apply your understanding of how to engage critically with educational research

• understand how teachers develop their practice and what effective professional learning looks like

• undertake an inquiry project in an area of your choice, to gain deeper insights into your teaching or leadership practices, with the ultimate aim to improve outcomes for the pupils you work with

• evaluate the impact of your practice and reflect on your professional learning at key points.

By achieving Chartered Teacher Status, you will be a beacon for excellent classroom practice and expert knowledge of teaching.

Successful completion of the programme and assessments required to achieve ‘Chartered Teacher Status’ demonstrates not just a colleague’s excellent knowledge and practice, but also professional behaviours and mean they often have an impact beyond their own classroom. Chartered Teachers show they’re committed to supporting the development of other teachers, sharing their expertise and contributing to a culture of learning and research-engagement within a school.

Chartered Teacher Status will help to raise the status of teachers and the important role they play, bringing teaching in line with other professions. The Chartered Teacher programme also represents a step in a move towards developing career pathways focused on excellent practice, rather than leadership, and has a critical role to play in supporting teacher recruitment and retention.


  • You must be a full member of the Chartered College of Teaching.
  • You should be a practicing teacher or school leader employed to teach children aged 0-19.
  • By the end of the programme you must have 3+ years teaching experience.
The Chartered College also recognises previous learning such as completion of the ECF; mentoring of an ECT; and completion of any NPQ. A list of other qualifications that are recognised for RPCL is available on their website.


Modules can be paid for as stand alone units, making the course highly financially accessible. Candidates can take up to 3 years to complete the programme, again spreading the cost and offering greater flexibility.

All candidates for Chartered Status must be and remain current members of the Chartered College of Teaching.

  • Registration £39

    Registering as a candidate for Chartered Status provides access to their online learning platform and the ‘Preparing for Chartered Status’ online module.

Registration to begin your Chartered Status journey. When you register as a candidate for Chartered Status you will get access to the online Chartered Teacher Candidate community and detailed guidance and content to guide you through your journey to becoming Chartered. You will also get support to start developing your Professional Learning Profile, a key assessment that you will work on throughout your journey and submit at the point you make your final application for Chartered Status. You’ll self-evaluate against the Chartered Teacher Professional Principles, then plan and reflect on the professional learning you undertake as you work towards Chartered Status.

  • Certificate of evidence-informed practice £99

    (10 credits)

The Certificate in Evidence-Informed Practice is a self-paced, online course designed to support you in furthering your understanding of evidence-informed practice. You’ll explore the principles of becoming evidence-informed; where to find trustworthy research and how to navigate its use. You’ll be introduced to some of the key educational research evidence and you’ll consider its implications for practice. You’ll also have the opportunity to engage in learning related to some key areas of educational debate before completing your assessment for this unit, where you will submit a written response to one of our educational debate questions.

  • Professional knowledge (examinations) award £139

    (30 credits)

This assessment unit consists of three examinations. The Multiple Choice Question Exam contains 30 multiple choice questions designed to assess knowledge of evidence-informed teaching, learning, curriculum and assessment. The Objective Structured Teaching Exercise (OSTE) is a scenario-based examination designed to assess your knowledge of formative assessment. Finally, a Written Examination is designed to assess your knowledge of effective teaching and learning strategies within the context of your subject, phase or specialism.

  • Development of teaching practice award £129

    (20 credits)

This assessment unit explores the development of teacher expertise. You will identify a specific aspect of your teaching that you would like to develop, reflecting upon and evaluating your current practice before engaging in cycles of deliberate practice to refine your approaches and hone your expertise in your chosen area. As part of the supporting content for this assessment unit, you will have access to a short online course that will help you to familiarise yourself with the evidence around development of teacher expertise and guide you through the process of deliberate practice. At the end of the assessment unit, you will submit a portfolio for formal assessment. This will include an evidence-informed action plan, two deliberate practice reflections and a recorded presentation.

  • Certificate in education research and inquiry £149

    (20 credits)

This assessment unit will guide you through the process of practitioner inquiry, supporting you to plan and implement a piece of evidence-informed inquiry focused on an area of classroom practice. You will undertake a comprehensive literature review to support your inquiry, build your understanding of a range of research methods and approaches to analysing data, then carry out your inquiry project before writing up your findings in a written report and research poster. As part of the supporting content for this assessment unit, you will have access to an online course that will help you to familiarise yourself with practitioner inquiry and guide you through the process of undertaking your project.

  • Application for award of chartered status £79

    The application fee includes assessment of the Professional Learning Profile assessment unit.

You can apply for Chartered Teacher Status once you have completed all Chartered Teacher assessment units. At the point of final application, you will need to be a full member of the Chartered College of Teaching and have a minimum of 3 years experience as a practising classroom teacher. Your application will include your Professional Learning Profile, an Educational Perspective Statement, outlining your informed perspective on a key theme, relevant to classroom practice, and a statement from your Headteacher supporting your application for Chartered Status.


  • Sub-total cost £634

    (excluding annual membership to the Chartered College of Teaching)
    To take part in our programme, you need to add an additional 10% admin fee (charged per module).

  • Total with Lion Alliance admin fee £697.40

    (excluding annual membership to the Chartered College of Teaching)

The Lion Alliance is a recognised Chartered Status CPD Partner. As part of our programme we provide full administrative support throughout your chosen modules; including various additional resources and opportunities to meet other members to enable cross-collaboration. We charge a small administration fee, per module, to facilitate being able to offer you this additional support.

We aim to be fully transparent with all of our fees. We don’t operate to make a profit and any additional funds go back into improving our ITT and CPD offers.


To apply for the Chartered Teacher Programme with the Lion Alliance, please contact us at

If you’re thinking of taking part in the Chartered Teacher Programme, but would like more information, please visit: to get started.


Additional support materials
As a CPD Partner we have access to additional support materials to help you learn and grow as you progress through each module.
Collaboration events
The Lion Alliance provides opportunities to meet, in person, with other participants and share experiences for peer support. We regularly arrange events to meet, discuss and debate the material from the programme so that you get the most out of working alongside colleagues in your area and our local school context.
An additional support network
The Lion Alliance is on hand to provide you with full administrative support and guidance throughout your chosen modules. Not only will you have the Chartered College at your disposal; the Lion Alliance and your fellow colleagues will be valuable avenues of support that you can draw from.



I chose the Lion Alliance programme because it was a chance to broaden understanding of pedagogy as I move into a second subject area. I compared doing an MA, MEd or CTeach, and decided on the Chartered College as it was most closely linked to my current role and I could apply it in a very real and practical way, which will have a positive pupil impact. The most enjoyable aspect so far is having a chance to discuss with colleagues within my school but outside of my subject department. I’ve had the opportunity to meet and discuss with teachers from different schools to compare and contrast styles and approaches. I’ve really enjoyed working with passionate, inspirational and well-organised course leaders/facilitators. Part of my reason for joining the course was to get valuable reassurance that I’m doing the right thing! I wanted to build my confidence by developing my skills, knowledge and understanding further, to take back to others and inspire them. I also wanted the qualification as evidence to be able to move into a leadership role in the future. I’d recommend this programme to others as the course is broken down into achievable chunks and you can choose an area which is relevant to your own work, targets and passions. There was a supportive team, and as it was online based so I could do it in my own time, but there were also some in-person meetings to chat ideas through and get feedback.

Ms Alison Wakeley – Teacher of Music & Head of PSHE
Chartered Teacher


Discover how membership with the Chartered College can advance your classroom practice and professional career